
I’ve decided to give blogging a whirl, and what better way to start than by focusing on my crazy family!

I’ve wanted to have a daily photo journal for a while now, so I hope to post a photo everyday that tells what is going on with us.  Please feel free to comment.

So, what’s new with us?

Well, we got a new family member yesterday and he is wonderful!  We are all in love with him.                      

Meet copper

We are thinking about getting another puppy so that copper can have a friend.  Crazy, I know!

Lastly, I want to leave you with my favorite photo of the day. Isabel has her own sense of style when it comes to clothing and accessories.  Today, I walked into the dining room, and this is what I saw……


She’s quite the character….never a dull moment!

Until tomorrow…………

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ok…this is by far, hands down the CRAZIEST family I have ever seen….where did they come from????

Yep, I agree, crazy and fun.
I think they came from over the rainbow and we love them all and their critters!

Didn’t get that craziness from me, that’s for sure. But I love them anyway.

Copper is so cute. Who’s that adorable child holding him? Must be the ever handsome Max.

And yes, Isabel is so cute and adorable if a little crazy.

so…..where is the photo of the day????

looks like your already a couple of days behind on your blogging…. :)

love you!!

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